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  • What about my arena and equipment?
    No need to worry! We have classes for all types of different arenas or riding areas available! Also we have different classes according to what type of equipment you have accessible to you! Maybe you only have a field to ride in, or you have a large sand outdoor arena, or a smaller indoor sand arena - we have a class for that! Maybe you only have 4 jumps available to you or you have a full course of 12 jumps or more! We have classes available for all! If there is an issue with the class type or your not sure if your area/arena or equipment will meet class expectations simply Contact Us and we will work something out with you! We can make arrangements for any type of arena and equipment to work!
  • What are the video requirements?
    1. Videos must be filmed horizontally/landscape view with zoom allowed if needed throughout the ride. 2. Ensure the arena and all jumps/barrels/equipment are able to be seen as the camera is moved to follow the horse/rider. 3. The horse/rider MUST be visible AT ALL TIMES throughout the video and ensure horse/rider are not cut off at any time. 4. The videos CANNOT be edited in anyway, the original audio must be on and no filters, cuts or added music are allowed. 5. There may be other riders/people in the area/arena for the purpose of groups/lessons filming. But ensure these other riders and people will not block the view of the video and that they are not a hazard or risk. We ask that there are no pets, kids, added distractions ect. in the arena while you are riding. 6. After you have paid your entry and you have reviewed the Rules & Regulations, please review where the recommended places are that the videographer/pivo stands. Or choose the best spot for your videographer if not marked out on the prizelist. But we ask that you have the videographer/pivo film with the sun BEHIND them if it is very bright out. This will all be indicated on the prizelist for your class. Review the prizelist for additional information and class rules. 7. Any video size can be submitted through our public or private entry. Although the longer the video and higher the quality it may take 3-5 minutes for the file to upload. Do not leave the screen when you are uploading. You can upload and submit your video from both your phone and/or your computer! 8. If you are having issues uploading, videos are under 5MB will uploading faster and easier. Commonly videos recorded on phones will be 100MB or larger. A video file compressor can be used to make a file smaller without losing quality. For more information on how to compress a file you can follow our walkthrough. This process can be done both on a mobile phone and a desktop computer. See WALKTHROUGH here. You can access the prizelists with the entries on the Compete page or at checkout, as well, they will be able to be found in the Submit Entry page and in the video submission folder for that class. If you have any questions or concerns contact us at
  • If I am a parent, how do I enter my child?
    If you are a parent who would like to enter your child/children in our show, you do not have to make separate accounts. You can use one account and purchase entries altogether, but videos must be submitted separately and named correctly with the child's name, horse's name ect. Please note that we require anyone under the age of 13 must have a parent/guardian submit on their behalf. The Parent/Guardian agree's to our Terms and Conditions and Disclaimers on behalf of the persons under the age when any entry is submitted. Creating an account or submitting with false information is a violation of our terms. We recommend that any parent/guardian submitting on behalf of a rider under the age of 13 submit via private entry form to protect privacy. Or if your child/children are with a private Barn/Facility, we recommend a private folder be set up for the Barn/Facility on the Submit Public Entry page. Only the members of the Barn/Facility will be able to view the videos. This way if you child/children want to watch their friends rides from the same Barn/Facility they will be able to, but other members of our site will not be able to view the folder. If you have any questions or concerns or would like to set up a Barn/Facility folder please contact us at
  • Can I dispute what a judge has said or a score?
    No, all judges decisions are FINAL. Any score sent is a final score and decisions will not be changed. If there are any issues with scores you must contact us within 24 hours of scores being sent out. Contact Us via email at if you have any questions or concerns regarding anything a judge has noted or any scores.
  • Are donkeys and mules allowed?
    Absolutely! We welcome all equines here! We are happy to have donkeys, mules and any other equines join in any of our classes! If you have any additional questions or concerns regarding this please contact us at
  • I am from a country other than Canada, can I enter?
    If you are from another country, you can still enter, compete and receive feedback from our judges. But currently we do not ship any awards or prizes outside of Canada. If you place in any of your classes you will not be eligible for any high-point awards or ribbons. This may change in the future and we may offer an option to ship worldwide, but for now only Canadians can receive ribbons and awards.
  • What are the prizes and awards?
    1. Ribbons will be given to sixth place in all classes unless otherwise specified. 2. Prize money (If applicable for the class; this will be noted in the class purchase of entry) will be divided as follows unless otherwise specified: a. First=40%, Second=32%, Third=17%, Fourth=11% 3. Points for championship high points shall be awarded on the following basis: 1st (7 points), 2nd (5 points), 3rd (4 points), 4th (3 points), 5th (2 points). All entries, will be listed on a high point tracking sheet that will be continuously updated and available for members to view at anytime. 4. Championship high point titles: The Champion and Reserve Champion titles shall be awarded to the two horses that have accumulated the most points in all classes entered combined. In the case of a tie for the Champion/Reserve, the last class of the division will be used to determine the winner. If there has been a tie in the last class it will be the next previous class, and so on, that will determine a final high point winner. 5. High point awards will currently be awarded every 6 months (Starting in June 2024 and December 2024). High point awards will be awarded to each Champion and Reserve Champion in each discipline. (Stay tuned for updates/changes to this. If there are several competitors and WRVHS deems fit, more high-point awards will be awarded. Members will be notified of any of these changes. 6. All small awards/packages (such as ribbons) will be shipped for free canada wide. For larger awards/packages members will be contacted first to determine shipping and costs (if there will be any) or come to an arrangement prior to any prizes/awards being sent. 7. High-Point awards may consist of Blankets, Coolers, Saddle Pads, Halters, Belt Buckles and more. What the awards are will be listed closer to the awarding of high-point awards. Members will be notified of this. Awards and prizes may change at any time. 8. To be eligible for high-point awards each rider must compete in a minimum of 3 classes within a 6 month period. 9. Currently high-point awards will be awarded by discipline. For example there will be a Champion and Reserve Champion in the Show Jumping/Barrel Racing ect. regardless of the height/division/class/level ect. If WRVHS deems there are to many riders, then more Champion and Reserve Champion awards will be given and the point system will thus be broken down further into class level categories. Members will be made aware of this change if it were to occur. **Please note we do not ship any ribbons or awards outside of Canada. If you are from another country you can still enter and compete, but you will only receive feedback from our judges. If you place in any classes you will not be eligible to receive a ribbon or high-point awards. This may change in the future, but for now we only ship within Canada.** Please contact us for any questions or concerns at
  • What is Wild Rose Virtual Horse Show?
    We are an online virtual schooling show based in Alberta Canada! We provide a fun, affordable and accessible way for all equestrians to compete from the comfort of home! Learn from judges feedback, ride in schooling or show attire, and win ribbons and awards! Maybe you don't have access to a trailer or the funds to travel to a live show, so we provide a fun and easy way to still braid your horse, dress up, and ride like your at a show but from home! Or maybe your in the off season and you want to keep your horse and yourself competition ready! You can prep and get judges feedback to stay in shape and form to be back for the live show ring when the season starts! We provide and create a fun community of like minded riders! Create a unique profile, follow other users, share comments and talk on the forum! Wild Rose Virtual Horse Show is driven to provide a POSITIVE and LEARNING atmosphere for everyone regardless of age, experience level, financial ability. We believe you can learn a lot from watching other riders and interacting together, as everyone has something to teach! But we ask that everyone participates in lifting other riders up and giving positive feedback only if asked for by others. The whole point is to enjoy our horses and have fun in a positive, learning environment and in a safe way! Please refer to our Acceptable Use Policy as this outlines some basic rules and guidelines for the community. We will take action against any members that are rude, ill mannered or unkind to other members. We ask that you keep the community positive and uplifting no matter the circumstances, we all started somewhere and we ALL have something to learn. If you have any questions or concerns please contact us at
  • How many times can I enter?
    You can only enter once in a class on the same horse, but you can enter the same class on two different horses. You can also enter as many classes as you like in any disciplines! Please ensure you meet the requirements of each class before you pay entry and submit videos. Some classes will have age restrictions or experience level restrictions to ensure optimal fairness among riders. Please read through class information before entering. *NOTE: We also ask you do not over work your horses. Although it may be fun to enter and ride, if your horse is not up to the level or correct fitness level to safely and soundly compete, your entry may be DENIED. If the judges feel there is welfare or safety issues this may result in elimination with NO REFUND of fees, as well as a warning. The rider will be contacted privately and the issue will be discussed. If a rider continually enters with repeated safety or welfare issues for the horse or rider then a temporary ban or permanent ban from the site may take place. Please refer to our Acceptable Use Policy and our Rules & Regulations or Contact Us with any further questions. We recommend that all riders follow the rules, regulations, standards and practices of their provincial/territorial/country's equine governing body.
  • How does it work?
    1. Simply sign up by registering and creating an account to access the members only areas! 2. Set up your personal profile and create it as unique as you are! In your profile page you can change your display name (to something made up and private if you like, or keep your name in). You can change your "cover photo" and more! In your settings you can change privacy options to choose if other members can view your profile or not. This option is available for those who want to join our community forum and post entries publicly! But feel free to keep everything private if that is what you prefer! :) 3. Find the class you want to enter and pay your entry fee. 4. Review the Prizelist and General Rules & Information. 5. GET OUT AND RIDE!! :) Then have either have a family member or friend video you! 6. Head over to the Submit Entry files page (If submitting via public upload). Find your class file. Upload your video into the appropriate folder! - Please find the correct folder for your video and name it as follows: Name - Horse's Name - Discipline/Class - Test name/Jump Height/Level - Date (Month/Year). (Click the three dots next to your file after you upload it, to rename it!) 6.a Head over to the Submit Private Entry page and complete the form and upload your video! This will automatically send your video to us privately! 7. Wait for the closing date of the class, and wait for results. Then you'll receive the judges feedback and have a chance to win prizes, ribbons and awards! If you are a winner you will be contacted regarding shipment of your prizes! Small prizes and awards are shipped for free Canada wide. For any larger high-point awards, shipping will be arranged with the winner at the time of, although these may still qualify for free shipping. * NOTE: (Ensure your video meets ALL the requirements before submitting! If you fail to meet the video requirements your video may be denied. WRVHS will reach out to anyone prior to the close date of the class and allow a chance for re-filming if needed. NO REFUNDS will be given if videos do not meet the rules and expectations by the class close date. Please see our Refund Policy or Contact Us if you have questions.) You can view our video requirements here in the FAQ.
  • What are the rules for tack, and apparel?
    Tack and apparel must follow the same rules and regulations of your provincial/territorial/country's governing equine body, and any normal rules that would apply at a live horse show. Although schooling attire is permitted as we are a schooling show, we ask that you dress conservatively and as closely to show attire as you can. Please also refer to the individual class prizelists for more information regarding tack/apparel and equipment. Helmets and proper footwear MUST BE WORN AT ALL TIMES. ALL riders in English disciplines ARE REQUIRED to wear a ASTM (American Society for Testing Materials) or BSI approved helmet, with safety harness correctly fastened. ALL western discipline RIDERS UNDER THE AGE OF 18 ARE REQUIRED to wear an ATSM or BSI certified helmet. Western competitors OVER THE AGE OF 18 years old, are permitted to wear a cowboy hat while mounted or competing. But WRVHS HIGHLY recommends ALL riders including ALL western competitors to wear an ASTM (American Society for Testing Materials) or BSI approved helmets, with safety harness correctly fastened. If a competitor chooses not to wear a helmet, they take the liability and responsibility of not wearing one. In purchasing and entering the show riders/owners/handlers and respective parties agree to these rules and regulations and accept these terms and liability. Please refer to our terms and conditions and disclaimer for more information. ANYONE UNDER the age of 18 in English AND Western MUST wear a helmet AT ALL TIMES both in ridden and in-hand classes. If they are not this could result in disqualification. Proper footwear with a heel (ie. tall boots, half chaps and short boots, cowboy boots) are always REQUIRED for ALL riders in all disciplines. We do allow bridleless/bitless in all our competitions. This is not typically allowed in regular competition, but we find it incredibly impressive to have the bond and communication with your horse. Bridleless riding with a neck rope or using a hackamore or bitless bridles ect. are all allowed in our schooling shows. But please ensure it is safe for the horse and rider to do so. Any type of hoof boots, shoes (ie. Scoot boots, Cavallos ect.) are permitted in any of our shows. If you have questions or concerns regarding anything please contact us at
  • What payment methods do you accept?
    We accept several different types of payment methods! Including: Paypal Google Pay Credit Card E-Transfers (For Canadians only) All payment types can be found in the checkout process. If you have any questions or concerns please contact us at
  • What is the Refund Policy?
    Exhibitors cancelling their entries after the official closing date, shall, upon presentation of a valid veterinary certificate, 50% of entries will be refunded. After the closing date Non-veterinarian scratches will NOT be refunded. Substitutions of horses/riders will be permitted prior to the close date of the show/class. After the close date of the class/show no substitutions of horse/rider will be allowed and NO refunds will be given. Once an Entry is paid and accepted by us in full there are NO REFUNDS. Exhibitors are expected to submit their video BEFORE the closing date of the show/class. Entries paid for but no video submitted by the class/show closing date/deadline are NON-REFUNDABLE. Or if the wrong video is submitted by the closing date/deadline the entry will be disqualified and NO REFUND will be given. If a video does not meet the requirements and is then denied by judges, there will be NO REFUND. Please ensure your video meets all the expectations and requirements before submitting. WRVHS may review videos when they are submitted to ensure they meet the requirements, if there are issues with the video you may be contacted to correct it before the closing date. WRVHS may not always review every video prior to the close date, so be sure your video meets the requirements. In rare and unforeseen circumstances refunds will be dealt with as per individual situation. Please Contact Us if need be. If you have any more questions or concerns please refer to our Return Policy or contact us at Wild Rose Virtual Horse Show reserves the right to refuse any entry without stating a reason at anytime. Policies, procedures, and prices are subject to change without notice.
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